ASGA & CSGIA 2017 | Shanghai
ASGA & CSGIA 2017 | Shanghai

From 9th to 11th August, EPTANOVA will participate as an exhibitor, together with the local EPTA China company, in the ASGA & CSGIA 2017 exhibition, the event dedicated to Screen Printing and Digital Printing, in Shanghai.
During the three days the latest products in the field of screen and digital inks - developed by EPTAINKS, EPTAINKS Digital and EPTATECH - dedicated to textile printing and industrial printing as well as emulsions and tools for pre-press processes will be showcased. Particular attention will be addressed to applications for Packaging, Signage, Habitat and High Tech Industries.
In this year's edition a central theme of ASGA & CSGIA 2017 will be the one related to environmental sustainability, following the Chinese Government's guidelines for environmental respect and improvement of living conditions. About this topic EPTANOVA has always been distinguished by developing and promoting water-based, UV and PVC-Free products.
We are waiting for you at Stand 2170!